Did global warming impact the YearlyKos?

UPDATE:  Pajamas Media has exclusive video of the soldier and his time at the YearlyKos.  It’s a good thing.  Kos’ own recording of the incident wasn’t very good on quality, making it hard to hear just how the soldier was treated.


It must have, based on the “[m]eltdown at the YearlyKos“.  From The American Prospect:

As the Military and Progressives panel came to an end, a young man in uniform stood up to argue that the surge was working, and cutting down on Iraqi casualties. The moderator largely freaked out. When other members of the panel tried to answer his question, he demanded they “stand down.” He demanded the questioner give his name, the name of his commander, and the name of his unit. And then he closed the panel, no answer offered or allowed, and stalked off the stage,

Wes Clark took the mic and tried to explain what had just occurred: The argument appears to be that you’re not allowed to participate in politics while wearing a uniform, or at least that you shouldn’t, and that the questioner was engaging in a sort of moral blackmail, not to mention a violation of the rules, by doing so. Knowing fairly little about the army, I can’t speak to any of that. But it was an uncomfortable few moments, and seemed fairly contrary to the spirit of the panel to roar down the member of the military who tried to speak with a contrary voice.

It’s amazing how Kos’ opinion changed on the wearing of the military uniform at such an event, after a post last month in favor of it.  I guess the wind had changed directions again and they needed to go the other way on the issue, to suit their immediate situation.

Others posting on this topic:  Allahpundit, Little Green Footballs, Jawa Report, ExUrbanLeague, This Ain’t Hell, Instapundit (and here), Pajamas Media

6 Responses to “Did global warming impact the YearlyKos?”

  1. This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here » YearlyKos moderator enforces DoD policy Says:

    […] Malkin has more links and thoughts. mRed at Invincible Armor tracks Leftist reaction. Volunteer Opinion Journal faults global warming for their meltdown. Ace says it’s a good excuse to prosecute […]

  2. daveinboca Says:

    I’ll bet this little episode gets avoided by the MSM, as DailyKos is now being anointed as some sort of MIDDLE of the Dhimmi-crat political spectrum.

    Wouldn’t want their far-left military-hating true beliefs to come out in public, that would be the truth and to be avoided at all costs.

  3. nimbus_andy Says:

    Uh, where’s the “Changing opinion” exactly? Markos hasn’t commented on this yet and you’re calling him a hypocrite based off of comments by someone else? Talk about intellectual dishonesty on the right. Can’t say I’m surprised.

  4. Global Warming as a cause for the Kos meltdown? | BitsBlog Says:

    […] The Volunteer Opinion Journal: Did global warming impact the YearlyKos? It’s as good an excuse as any, I suppose.  The article goes on to quote The American Prospect, which I’ll nest, here: As the Military and Progressives panel came to an end, a young man in uniform stood up to argue that the surge was working, and cutting down on Iraqi casualties. The moderator largely freaked out. When other members of the panel tried to answer his question, he demanded they “stand down.” He demanded the questioner give his name, the name of his commander, and the name of his unit. And then he closed the panel, no answer offered or allowed, and stalked off the stage, […]

  5. Big Dogs Weblog Says:

    Was Soldier A-Kos-ted?

  6. Ezines and Web Magaizines » Did global warming impact the YearlyKos? Volunteer Opinion Journal Says:

    […] To find more information from the source here […]

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