Archive for the ‘Abortion’ Category

Storing up the anti-life agenda

August 17, 2007

Manhattan Storage Company billboared via 

H/T to Michelle Malkin

I’m glad to see that I wasn’t the only one that noticed the coat hanger in the Manhattan Mini Storage billboard advertisement promoting abortion.

These Leftnuts already have murder-on-demand with abortion legalized in the U.S., with our tax dollars even paying for it, and they still want to insinuate that someone is forced to use a coat hanger?

Ironically, when I clicked over to Reuters‘ story on the billboard campaign, I found an advertisement for an adoption agency.  

Ads by Google

Wonderful Families Waiting To Adopt All Expenses Paid, Open 24/7

I wonder what Manhattan Mini-Storage and their parent company, Edison Properties, think of that.

Bill Donohue with the Catholic Leauge makes a worthwhile observation about the hypocrisy of this crude advertisement in an article by LifeNews.

Those who like this billboard would no doubt be aghast at the sight of a billboard that featured a bloody baby who survived a botched abortion,” Donohue explained. “They would be even more incensed if the picture were accompanied by the remark, ‘This is what happens when abortion fails.'”

Let Manhattan Mini Storage know what you think about their advertisement strategy:

Is Sen. Jamie Woodson’s Conservatism only skin-deep?

August 8, 2007

Sen. Jamie Woodson (R-Knox) 

A short time back in July, I wrote about a press release that Sen. Jamie’s Woodson’s weekly e-mail newsletter, The Woodson Weekly, contained from the Women’s Campaign Forum.   A visit to the WCF’s site, to learn what they were about, quickly acquainted me with a significant portion of their platform, which stressed “pro-choice” and “reproductive rights” several times.  It also did not help alleviate my anxiety, when I saw a video featuring Hillary Clinton, of all people, on the front page of the site.  That socialist presidential candidate is about as far as you can get from conservative.

I was shocked, because I have spoken to Sen. Woodson on many occassions, including when she was Rep. Hagood, and never was suspect of her holding a pro-abortion position.  When contacted later, Sen. Woodson gave assurance that she was “committed to the Pro-Life/Right to Life cause.”  I thought we were done with that, until a comment was written to that post stating that “her conservatism is only skin-deep.” 

Well that piqued my interest a bit and resulted in me following the poster’s link to his blog to read an entry he had about Sen. Woodson. 


The above picture is the first thing he has on his blog.  It’s Sen. Woodson and a couple of wannabe-county commissioners at an event.  No big deal, right?  Well,…I wasn’t real thrilled with what I was reading.

The blog I was on provided links to the Knoxville Voice, a small area paper, with an article on the Progressive Women’s Coalition.  A trip to their site helps you find their Statement of Principles.  I wasn’t too terribly alarmed with anything, until I got down to “What We Believe In”.  At that juncture I ran into a couple of things that made me read them a second time to make sure I was taking them in correctly.

“Government that recognizes and respects…people of all… gender/sexual orientations…” 

“Government that recognizes the importance of the separation of church and state…”

 I read on down from there to the “Frequently Asked Questions” section.  (emphasis mine)

1. What about abortion? I don’t want to join a group that’s for abortion.
No one is “for” abortion. But we recognize that women and girls are often faced with decisions that only they can make. We believe that all women and girls of reproductive age should have access to the information they need to make responsible decisions for themselves.

2. Is “progressive” just a code word for “liberal”?
No. Progressives are citizens who want to make progress toward a better, freer, more informed, more open, and more civilized society for us all. We want civil discussions on matters of importance to all citizens. We want to advance the causes of social justice, responsible use of the environment, and ethical government for all the people.

3. Do I have to agree with everything in this list of principles if I want to be part of this movement?
No, of course not. No one can agree on every detail. However, our core principles remain: open, ethical and efficient government; respect for people’s differences; individual freedom on personal issues; and responsible policies on environmental development. If you can sign on to those core principles, you’re a progressive!  

 Now, Hillary Clinton claims to be  a “progressive”, instead of a “liberal”, as I have talked about in unrelated posting.  Hillary is intertwined with the WCF, mentioned at the top of this post, which strongly advocates against the “pro-life” position.  Hillary is also a very strong advocate of a socialized healthcare system, big government and similar increases in government influence.  So, if Hillary Clinton is representative of “a proud modern American progressive”, then they must be liberals, and I am totally against it.

The waffle on the abortion question might have worked for PWC to skirt the issue, had they not followed up with the liberal talking point of “individual freedom on personal issues”, which, in all likelihood, means abortion. 

I bet NAMBLA would like that whole “individual freedom on personal issues” in the “core principles”!  You know how they hate authorities stepping in to tell them that child rape, sexual battery of a minor, etc. is against the law and they can’t do it.

So, I still wonder if Sen. Woodson is sporting a Tennessee Right to Life plate on the front of her vehicle, the one she is driving to events at the PWC and other left-leaning organizations?  I’m not sure, myself.  But, I would like to know more.


I wonder what Brian Harris, president of the Tennessee Right to Life, can tell us on Sen. Woodson’s abortion leanings. 

Planned Parenthood and…. Spider-Man?

August 1, 2007

I’m not sure to whom the hat tip should go on this one, Instapundit, whose link on “the declining status of TV anchors” got me to Ed Driscoll‘s post on “Leveling The Playing Field”, which helped me run across Ed’s link to “Most Improbable Comic Book Superhero Cross-Over Ever“.  Well, that link too me to Andrew Farago‘s blog and a post on “The Lost Marvel Team-Up: Spider-Man and Planned Parenthood!” 

Whew!  Are you still with me?  Anyhow….

It seems that Marvel Comics teamed up with Planned Parenthood to indoctrinate children reading their work.

via Andrew Farago

There isn’t too much out of the ordinary from the cover.  When things really start to come to the light is when you flip open to the next page and have everything you need to order the “Big 3 Info Packet” from Planned Parenthood for $1.00, plus 35 cents in shipping and handling.  Now, there’s what every child needs – the “Sex Alphabet”, “Love and Sex in Plain Language” and “Understanding Sex”

Andrew Farago and I, obviously, disagree on this joining of efforts, because he thought “Christmas came early this year.”

It just gets worse, as you go on from there.  The next page tells you that “Stan Lee presents a special Planned Parenthood issue of The Amazing Spider-Man“, emblazened with the title of this comic issue, “The Pull of the Prodigy.”

As the story comes to a close, Spidey “ends the pernicious power of the Prodigy“, while taking time for a vanity moment. 

Is it just me or does there seem to be some hidden implication that the fundamentalist right-wing capitalists in this country are wanting underprivileged youth to produce babies to help the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer?  Nah!  That has to be just my imagination playing tricks on me.  There couldn’t be an ulterior motive like that in play here.

But, wait!  The information sharing isn’t over, yet.  You don’t think Stan and Planned Parenthood would leave you hanging (no pun intended…well, maybe a little) do you?

You can learn “What The Facts Are…” about:

  • Preganency

  • Thoughts

  • Homosexuality

  • Venereal Disease

  • Feelings

  • Careers

 You can also learn “Where To Get Them.”  Now, isn’t that a public service that Stan and Planned Parenthood have provided for our children?

Just think, now small children know how to run about and rut like animals…….Oh, and use condoms, so they don’t produce “slave labor” for the capitalist pigs that want to keep them “ignorant”.  Geez!

Do you think this fits with Barack Obama’s, the wannabe Superman‘s, great idea of sex-ed for kindergarteners that have been posted on here, here, here and here?  There’s two superheros I grew up with that seem severely diminished in my eyes now. 

Let’s not forget Planned Parenthood’s “Super Hero for CHOICE“.

Planned Parenthood Golden Gate (PPGG), based in San Francisco, produced the video entitled, “A Superhero for CHOICE” and posted the video on its main website. The video was noticed by a conservative blogger on Friday, Aug. 5. It features a female superhero called Dianisis, presumably named after the president and CEO of PPGG, Dian J. Harrison. Dianisis travels the world fighting for ‘choice.’

“It starts out with an abstinence educator who is simply trying to tell kids that if they want to avoid STDs and other problems, that they should abstain from sexual activity. Planned Parenthood’s response is to drown him in a garbage can,” Sedlak said.

“Then you have pro-life protestors outside a Planned Parenthood and in the video, [Planned Parenthood] even admit[s] that these people are not violent, they are doing everything legal, but she just wishes they would go away, so she shoots them with a condom gun and blows them up,” Sedlak added.  

read more…

Hmmmm?  Could there be a conspiracy afoot? 

Nah!  There goes my paranoia, again. 

Others posting on this topic (pro and con): Dawn Eden, Victory Soap, Jill Stanek, ProLifeBlog, Zen Thrower, The Underwire

Is State Senator Jamie Woodson “pro-choice”?

July 25, 2007

UPDATE:  Sen. Woodson has indicated that it was an oversight on the part of her office that this press release was included in her weekly newsletter and has stated that she remains “totally committed to the Pro-Life/Right to Life cause.” (italics added)

I knew this sounded out of character for the conservative state senator from Knoxville, based on past knowledge and conversation.


Sen. Jamie Woodson (R-Knoxville) 

That may be a good question.  The following is a press release by the Women’s Campaign Forum found in the latter half of the senator’s newsletter, the Woodson Weekly:

Nominate a woman to run

Source: From: Ilana Goldman, Women’s Campaign Forum
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 2:36 PM

Yesterday we asked you to help to close the gender gap in politics by helping Women’s Campaign Forum get more women on the ballot in the first place.

If you haven’t taken a minute or two to nominate the great, pro-choice women in your life to run for office, now’s your chance: <>
The She Should Run campaign is about finding the extraordinary women we all already know and encouraging them to use their talent, ambition, and skills toward the public good by running for office.

Think about your lawyer, your accountant, your best friend, your favorite college professor, your next door neighbor.

Who is that one woman in your life who should run?

For now, we just need her name.  We’ll follow up with you in the coming days to find out what makes your nominee so great.

Thank you for your help.
Ilana Goldman
Women’s Campaign Forum

A visit to the About WCF page on their website clearly outlines that this organization’s agenda is to recruit candidates that are “pro-choice” and support “reproductive rights“.

Someone tell me if I missed something.  I never knew that Sen. Jamie Woodson, formerly Sen. Jamie Hagood, was pro-abortion.  

As far as I knew, she was socially conservative.  But, the inclusion of this WCF press release in her newsletter and the fact that the front page of the WCF site has a feature image for a video with Hillary Clinton on it has me wondering:


Has something happened to change Jamie these years in Nashville?

If this is true, I guess Sen. Woodson is not a member of the Tennessee Right to Life and certainly isn’t sporting one of their promotional plates on the front of her vehicle.

TNRTL front license plate